Git + Github Workshop

Git + Github

General Questions

What is the difference between Git + Github?

Git is a version control system; think of it as a series of snapshots (commits) of your code. You see a path of these snapshots, in which order they where created. You can make branches to experiment and come back to snapshots you took. GitHub, is a web-page on which you can publish your Git repositories and collaborate with other people.

Can you use Git without Github?

Yes, Git runs local if you don't use GitHub. An alternative to using GitHub could be running Git on files hosted on Dropbox, but GitHub is a more streamlined service as it was made especially for Git.

If are not collaborating and you are already using a backup system why would you use Git?

If you encounter an error between commits you can use the command git diff to see the differences between the current code and the last working commit, helping you to locate your error. You can also just go back to the last working commit. If you want to try a change, but are not sure that it will work. You create a branch to test you code change. If it works fine, you merge it to the main branch. If it does not you just throw the branch away and go back to the main branch. You did some debugging. Before you commit you always look at the changes from the last commit. You see your debug print statement that you forgot to delete.

First Things First: Some Things You'll Need

Next Steps

Head over to our github repo and get ready to fork!